Maximiliano Gluzman in New York
I am very pleased to announce that Maximiliano Gluzman
will be in New York for a week on his way back from Tango Sutra in DC. This will be Maximiliano's first visit to New York: we will finally have a chance to learn from one of the most prominent milongueros of the new generation in Argentina. Maximiliano Gluzman is a porteno dancer who proudly continues the tradition of his home town's social dance.
He learned his first tangos when he was a child, bought his first tango record when he was fourteen, and began to pursue the dance when he was twenty one.
His tango, one of personal identity, inherits the inventiveness of the Buenos Aires tradition and was acquired through years of working with world known instructors, as well as through researching the social tango of the old masters. His subtle firm lead is the result of both practice and countless nights of dancing in Buenos Aires. And through his unique, flowing musicality he has found an endless vehicle for creativity and expression.
His professional life in tango is divided into two main areas: researching the dance of the old generation milongueros and teaching. Precisely, his teaching is about sharing the magic of the porteno dance with the rest of the world: its technique, its culture, and its mystery. A magic that, as difficult as it is to conceptualize, he has been able to transmit to his students from many countries.
He has taught and performed in Argentina, Europe and the United States of America, both in workshops and seminars as well as in numerous festivals.
He is a talented, admired DJ who has played both in Buenos Aires and in several events abroad.
During his visit to New York he will teach and perform with his partner Heather Whitehead. His partner Heather Whitehead is a talented young dancer based in Ann Harbor, MI, who spends a lot of time in Buenos Aires dancing and refining her skills as a dancer and as a teacher. Her beautiful and elegant style perfectly complements Maxi's elegance, musicality and creativity. Their dance is fresh and inspiring: don't miss them!
During his visit to New York he will teach and perform with his partner Heather Whitehead. His partner Heather Whitehead is a talented young dancer based in Ann Harbor, MI, who spends a lot of time in Buenos Aires dancing and refining her skills as a dancer and as a teacher. Her beautiful and elegant style perfectly complements Maxi's elegance, musicality and creativity. Their dance is fresh and inspiring: don't miss them!
Workshops at Practilonga 939
with Heather Whitehead
939 8th Avenue, room/buzzer 200
Saturday November 7th
3:00 - 4:30
For the social tango dancer, improvisation is both a need to navigate
as well an element of creativity. In this lesson we will practice
several ideas that will act as improvisation boosters, consequently
making us find new and personal steps.
For the social tango dancer, improvisation is both a need to navigate
as well an element of creativity. In this lesson we will practice
several ideas that will act as improvisation boosters, consequently
making us find new and personal steps.
4:30 - 6:00
This lesson is an introduction to advanced musicality in the language
of the Buenos Aires milonga. We will base our work in rhythm and the
way it lives in the dancer's body, pause as a necessary, but not
necessarily explicit, element of the musical representation, and
phrase, as a vehicle of connection with the melody.
This lesson is an introduction to advanced musicality in the language
of the Buenos Aires milonga. We will base our work in rhythm and the
way it lives in the dancer's body, pause as a necessary, but not
necessarily explicit, element of the musical representation, and
phrase, as a vehicle of connection with the melody.
Sunday November 8th
3:00 - 4:30
OCHOS. We have been struggling with/enjoying ochos since our first
days of tango! Now did we exhaust the possibilities of this trademark
of tango? In this lesson we will take ochos a step ahead by
combining, twisting, repeating or isolating them.
OCHOS. We have been struggling with/enjoying ochos since our first
days of tango! Now did we exhaust the possibilities of this trademark
of tango? In this lesson we will take ochos a step ahead by
combining, twisting, repeating or isolating them.
4:30 - 6:00
PATTERNS. In this lesson we will learn about the different approaches
to milonga through some of the most dance floor-effective rhythmic
patterns. The concepts of traspie, lisa and combinada will be put
into the context of the search of the social dancer.
PATTERNS. In this lesson we will learn about the different approaches
to milonga through some of the most dance floor-effective rhythmic
patterns. The concepts of traspie, lisa and combinada will be put
into the context of the search of the social dancer.
One workshop $35. Two workshops in the same day/couples $60
Maximiliano will be available to teach private classes. Please contact Francesca at 917-815-5807 or to inquire and book.
More information on Maximiliano Gluzman at: Maxi Gluzman
Videos: You Tube Maxi
Performances and Pre-milonga classes
Maximiliano will be performing with Heather Whitehead
Tuesday November 4th at Triangulo - 135 West 20th St, 3rd Fl (btwn 6th & 7th Aves)
Pre-milonga intermediate level class at 8:30
EMBRACE AND COMMUNICATION: This lesson is about improving our embraces and postures, allowing as a consequence more communication between the partners. We will illustrate these concepts with specific patterns.
Performance at 10:30
Friday November 6th at Tango Lounge - Dancesport - 22 W 34th St, 4th floor - next to the Empire State Building
Intermediate class at 8:30
SACADAS TECHNIQUE. The sacadas are among the most coveted tango movements, but unfortunately can be very uncomfortable for the follower if their technique is not perfect. In this lesson we will see the technical basis that lay behind every sacada.
Performance at 11:30
Saturday November 7th at Practilonga 939 - room 4A
Performance at 7:30
Saturday November 7th at Amarras - Dance Studio 101 - 101 Lafayette Street, 2nd floor
Intermediate class at 8:30
Vals y Giros. Waltz is extremely fun and romantic, but its interpretation can be elusive. In this lesson we will work on achieving the continuity and fluidity that the waltz rhythm calls for.
Performance at 11:30
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